The Best of Thai Food…
Padthai has been first introduced in the era of Thai Prime Minister, Field Marshal Plaek Phibhunsongkram, in the middle of World War II. During the crisis of Word War II, the prime minister tried to create a campaign that drove Thai people to use and consume local natural products, thus Padthai noodle was introduced at that time and has become the signature dish of Thai food since then. That also marked the beginning of our small Padthai restaurant which is well-known in quality and the best taste in Bangkok. Our customers named us “PADTHAI PRA-TOO-PEE”, because our restaurant is near by Pra-Too-Pee intersection in center of Bangkok.
The Most Delicate Padthai…
With the neat and delicate cooking method, Padthai Pra-Too-Pee became famous that the Prime Minister Field Marshal Plaek Phibhunsongkram, who created the name Padthai, accepted our Padthai as the best Padthai in Thailand. Anytime Thai government had official foreign visitors, prime minister would routinely suggest them to try Padthai at our restaurant, until the prime minister praised our restaurant as “The true authentic Padthai of Thailand”, according to Mrs. Samai Baisamut’s word.
The Pride of Thipsamai
The name “Padthai PRA-TOO-PEE” has been changed to “THIPSAMAI” in 1966. With the long history of more than a half century of Thipsamai, we have been standing and walking together with Thai people through crucial or critical events. Thipsamai has become very famous restaurant because we always concern about quality and freshness of all ingredients of Padthai and do not take advantage of our customers. Furthermore, we continuously create many new menu such as “Padthai Senchan Munkung Kung Talay Sod Horkhai (SUPERB PADTHAI)”, which is Padthai with oil, fresh deep-sea prawns and wrapped with egg. This menu is originally created and cooked by us and currently becomes a model of Padthai in many leading restaurants both in Thailand and worldwide.
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